Sunday, June 10, 2007

current whereabouts

latest email was received from Barry and Margaret while they were in Nancy. They arrived in Nancy on Wednesday the 6th June, and depart on Sunday the 10th.

They wrote:
We arrived in Nancy on Wed, & depart tomorrow. We have been very busy buying supplies for the boat. Barry has bought equipment like tools etc to do repairs & maintenance. We have also bought electrical appliances for the kitchen & lots of groceries, also some from the bio shop for me (Margaret) as the food I need is not available in most supermarkets.
Nancy has a very elaborate central square, but we have not seen much of the old city yet. Our bicycles have been very useful as we can tie bins on the carriers etc & bring back to the boat lots of items. Yesterday we found a good cycle track to an enormous shopping centre out of the city.

and then went on to describe their plans, as per the previous post, see below.

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